This training course is designed to provide a Supervision qualification for mental health professionals in clinical practice particularly those who wish to become eligible to apply for listing as a supervisor.
This training encompasses approximately 24 hours of face-to-face supervision training and 40 hours of pre-workshop study. The training culminates in a formal assessment phase.This 3-day course covers the competencies that are required for a professional supervisor.
- Define the role of a Clinical Supervisor
- Identify the goals of supervision
- Describe the supervisory relationship; demonstrate the skills required for conducting diverse supervision interventions;
- Provide effective evaluation
- Present effectual feedback to supervisees
- Successfully undertake a variety of supervisor administration tasks and address the ethical and legal considerations of supervision
Pre-course training:- each student will be supplied with a text “The Practice of Counselling &Clinical Supervision” 2017, Australian Academic Press, as part of theircourse fees. This book will come with a questionnaire that needs to be completed prior to attendance at the workshop. This is a mandatory requirement as it provides the student with a broad theoretical understanding of the different settings and theories of supervision. It is suggested the student allocates at least 5 days or the equivalent in hours to read the text and answer the questionnaire. The successful completion of the questionnaire is required before the student can move into the 3 Day workshop phase. A comprehensive Workshop manual is also integral to the course and will be supplied on arrival.
- Theory of Supervision
- What is Professional Supervision?
- What skills does a professional supervisor need?
- What will be covered in a session of professional supervision?
- What are the different settings and forms for professional supervision?
- What are the Supervisor and Supervisee’s responsibilities?
- Legal and Risk management issues in the Allied Health Industry Legislation
- Front-line management professional supervision
- Issues in applying Professional Supervision
- Resistant supervisees
- Armstrong Model
- Note taking and record keeping
- Mental Health Issuesand Supervision
- Transference potential
- Stress, Anxiety, Conflict and potential Burnout.
Break-up of the 3 days: Students will spend 1 ½ days moving through the workbook including completing supervision scenarios. ½ a day is then allocated for practice Supervision sessions in triads. Day 3 is the formal assessment day, each student will rotate through a triad filling three positions; Supervisor, Assessor and Supervisee, each position is completed over a 60 minute period. There are no role plays in this workshop. All students are to bring real and relevant issues for supervision to the workshop. Please ensure that the issues are of a nature that you would discuss with your supervisor and not personal counselling issues. Using the text and completing the questionnaire will give you a good indication of the scope of the issues that you may choose to bring.
Additional Information is provided on:
1.Consent Forms and Contracts
2.Confidentiality form
Explore Counselling successfully conducted the “ Supervisor Training “ @ Chennai on 21, 22 and 23rd of Sep’2018. The first cohort of therapists in India (Chennai) to complete the RISE UP Supervision training course under the supervision of Dr. Philip Armstrong, Founder of RiseUp. These new Supervisors will set up a great platform to see Professional Supervision for counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists rolled out in India. The second batch of Supervisors were trained by Dr. Vasuki , founder of IAPS on 4,5,and 6th of Jan 2019.