Professional Supervision is essential in enhancing quality of service delivered by mental health professionals. Its done by providing feedback, clarifying ethical dilemmas and therapy process oriented doubts in counselling. Psychological counselling is a skill which constantly needs upgrading.

The need for professional supervision arises to make sure that mental health practitioners provide mental health services within the ethical framework of conduct. The process of professional supervision involves providing a confidential and conducive environment to the supervisee to discuss with their supervisor their roles and responsibilities. The supervisor also clarifies to the supervisee what is expected code of behaviour and shares her knowledge and experience in handling the problems of their clients and promoting their wellbeing. The need for Professional Supervision is pivotal for the present and budding Mental Health Professionals to add on to their theoretical knowledge – “practical experience” of their Supervisors to make their learning more enriching and wholesome.

RISE UP model developed by Dr. Philip Armstrong for Professional Supervision has evolved over fifteen years of counselling and supervision practice. It is a comprehensive model addressing many aspects of supervision of counsellors. While experience can be useful to supervise, generally supervision tends to be limited to the modalities that the supervisor has experience in. What may not be addressed are other important aspects of the practice of counselling like professionalism, personal care, and professional growth etc. of the supervisee. The RISE UP model gives a defined framework and structure about areas needing to be covered in supervision sessions which can be used by any supervisor regardless of their modality. RISE UP is an acronym for the six components Review, Information, Support, Education, U (You) – Self-care, Private Practice/Business Building.